Monday, 12 December 2011

merry go round

Original iPhone 4 image

Photograph by @Londonbird, taken at the Winter Wonderland 2011, Hyde Park 

"I resisted using colour (only just!) and took Paris photographers like Cartier Bresson as inspiration. I used Camera+ to add 'clarity' to bring out detail in faces, then to Noir to add black and white glow and Lomo-Fi filter in IG to add the border."

If you enjoyed this, don't miss out on the next iPhone photo:


  1. I know exactly what you mean about "only just" deciding to use B & W. Bright color is so appealing, especially in a photo like this. But the black and white version is gorgeous and gives a completely different mood.

    I also noted that you use Camera+ AND Instagram filter. I've totally ignored Instagram filters since you pointed me to Camera+. Time to revisit.

  2. Lorraine, I think I would have defaulted to colour here so props to Londonbird for sticking with black and white.

    At the moment I am really enjoying 'DirtyBird' photos, where you edit to a monochrome image and run it through Instagram's Earlybird filter. They can look amazing, especially if the original shot is very simple.



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