Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Wordless Wednesday #2 by @Angpang


  1. I have been wondering whether to arrange to meet some Twitter buddies at Camden Market or Borough Market. I think your photo has enabled me to make an informed decision.

  2. Glad to be of service, Chris.

    Can you believe both daughter and boyfriend had one of these and I waved the idea away?

  3. Ooh, Camden Market. Wish I was there! Doughnuts, pastries, cream cakes - none of these appeal to me (suspect I may be unusual in that respect) but seeing so MANY of them displayed like that could almost tempt me otherwise.

    Re the comment on my own Wordless Wednesday, I can't possibly answer you there because then it would no longer be wordless ;-) but on YOUR blog I can reveal all! It's my local bookshop: the top floor of 3, all packed with bookish delights. You may even be served a complementary coffee there, if you're lucky ...


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