Sunday, 9 August 2009

Are you #WorthaF?

This post has moved to my dedicated Twitter Blog.

Click here to read it now

Thank you and big hugs.



  1. I really liked @Gibbzer's approach last friday and picked up names there I wasn't following. I like the idea. It takes the "favorite" map idea and puts it in the stream, which is what was lacking!

    I would suggest either a shorter tag or a applying the #FF tag as well. It's a lot of letters but I think integrating this with #FF would be good.

    I'll definitely be behind you on this. :)


  2. I think it's an excellent idea, and was immediately struck by how much sense it made as a followfriday alternative when I read those first RTs from @gibbzer. Makes recs more widely and easily seen, but also gives a flavour of the twitterer rather than just bigging them up. I will probably take this approach myself from now on - though I'm not sure what the hashtag ought to be ...

  3. Thank you both for such quick feedback, and clever stuff at that.

    The Hashtag - argggh! Here's some ideas I had and rejected.

    #follownow - too bossy
    #gofollow - too cheerleader
    #worthfollowing or #worthafollow - too long

    So I am open to suggestions here. I like #worthaF because it's short and a bit naughty, but, as they say in cheesy Hollywood films, "anyone got a better idea?"

    If we hit on a winner I'll edit it back into the blog, but for the moment I'll leave the question hanging.

  4. I love that you keep refining and improving this FollowFriday thing. FF drives me crazy - always has. Feels rude not to participate, but participating in the normal way is impossible to do without boring to death anyone actually reading one's tweets. Lately, I've been choosing one great tweep and introducing him/her (for real, with my reasons for recommending) instead. Think I'll try your #worthaF approach, too.

    Thanks so much for the nod to my Atwitter post - what a thrill to see it linked in your wonderful post!

  5. Am also of the opinion that many of us take part in the Follow Friday malarkey because we've been mentioned and it would seem rude not to reciprocate.

    It would be MUCH more fun, of course, to have a "DON'T FOLLOW BECAUSE ..." hashtag equivalent ... but I wouldn't dare ... or WOULD I????

  6. Thanks Debra, always happy to signpost your ATwitter, it's fabulous.

    Karen, #worthaUNf is of course begging to be used on the trolls and morons out there, thankfully in the minority on Twitter.

  7. ..... and then I got to wondering, what does follow mean and who is Friday

  8. Great post! I actually started doing this several weeks ago, so great to see others are too. I just figured people probably wouldn't want to "click through" to my faves all the time. Hence the RT's. I love actually quoting people to show *why* I think others should follow them.

    I normally just use the usual Follow Friday hashtags #FF or #followfriday for my retweets. I dare say you could probably use that anytime - I've seen follow friday tags here and there all week on my feeds...

  9. Must admit, I messed up. Was on the #ff wagon for a while, only to fall off it after a few insincere floozies made me feel so special along with 10 other people in the same tweet. And then they'd do it again, #ff and all, on Tuesday, which isn't Friday anywhere in the world as far as I know.

    But I'm quitting now. For good. I mean it this time. #worthaF sounds like good methadone to me ... so implicitly, irresistibly saucy! Perfect.

    @Eyglo showed me how to do it this morning, trouble is, I had all my #ff's lined up. Retrospective retweets are hard. I'll do much better next week. I use HootSuite, so I'm going to find good #worthaF RT's and schedule them for later - not necessarily Friday. Just have to figure out that optimal RT time.

    Will have a think about other ways to promote. I had one, but it has temporarily escaped the chronicler's mind.

  10. Not sure which I enjoyed more, you starting another revolution, or the way your wrote it, lol. You go girl, apologies for late spot of blog.


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