A huge apology for not blogging here, and a little announcement on where this blog is going.
I have diversified and now blog in several places, and my poor first-born Incense and Peppermints has become neglected. Rather than shut it down, or leave it hanging in cyberspace gathering dust, I'll keep it pulsing, but almost exclusively with photographs. There may be writing, but rarely.
If you enjoy my pics. Please keep following.
If you like my writing, find more of it in these places:
The @Angpang Twitter Blog
What can you say in 140 characters? As much as you can say in one breath. This is a new blog, created to gather all my Twitter articles in one place, and then write some more. Part love letter, part rant and part
burlesque - grab a coffee / tea / gin and enjoy your read! Click @Angpang Twitter to take a look.
Vintage Copywriting
Gorgeous vintage finds, described with adoration and photographed up-close by yours truly. Click Vintage Copywriting to take a look.
Push Creativity... The Blog
The blog I write to promote the company I work for. Most of the posts on here detail all the fantastic 3D graphics that my boyfriend creates.
I'd be delighted if you'd care to join me in any of those places, or continue to enjoy my photographs here. All attention gratefully received.
And of course, we always have